The Illuminated Woman
Pleasure is every woman’s birthright. This is an invitation to light that spark within you and reclaim the parts of yourself that have been lost and forgotten. To light that spark the world told you to dim. The spark that aches to burn brightly. As women, we’ve lost that spark and with it, our connection to pleasure. In the Illuminated Woman podcast, we’ll explore how we’ve dimmed our light, how we’ve lost our feminine essence and connection to pleasure, and how we can reignite that spark so we can reclaim our Soul’s essence and destiny and find the freedom, magic, joy and pleasure our Soul craves. When we do, we’ll help heal ourselves, our lineage, and the world.
The Illuminated Woman
Ep 12 Using Crystals For Healing Grief
Crystals. They’re beautiful. They’re magical. They’re mystical. Did you know they also have incredible healing properties?
Siobhan Gouws is a delightful lady from South Africa. She’s a certified crystal healer who creates gorgeous mandalas, does crystal healing (no matter where you are in the world!), and has used crystals in her own healing. We had a wonderful conversation and covered:
- How crystals can help us clear things we’re experiencing
- Where the healing comes from with crystals
- The science behind how crystals work with the human body
- Things that affect crystals and how they work
- Ways you can experiment using crystals
- The most important ingredient when working with crystals
- Crystals to use in healing and grief
- Using crystals to move emotions
- What woman magic is and how to reconnect with it
Click here to receive Siobhan’s gorgeous rose quartz mandala (it’s complimentary!)
Find Siobhan on Instagram
Siobhan’s website
To see a photo of the stunning Rose Quartz heart-shaped crystal I was gifted after my son left this life, go to my Instagram page
Be sure to get your free copy of my guide “Sacred Self-Care For Grieving Moms”
If you’re a grieving Mom, please join our closed Facebook Group
Do you have your copy of my free guide, 4 Steps to Connect with Your Higher Self? If not, get yours here!