The Illuminated Woman

The Cosmic Connection: Unlock Your Dreamscape With the Pisces New Moon

Lori Latimer Episode 167

It's time for the last lunar event of the current astrological year, and it's one for tapping into our dreams and desires, creating the template of our lives for the upcoming astrological year.

Just as people tend to do in December of each year, the New Moon in Pisces offers us the opportunity to unlock our dreams for the upcoming year of our lives. Pisces energy helps us connect to our intuition, to our dream and desires in the deepest way before we emerge into the energies of Spring (or Autumn if you're in the Southern Hemisphere).

When we connect with our dreams and desires, we have so much more control over our lives than we think we do. In this episode, I share a process with you as well as some deep questions for reflection during this New Moon.

I also share what the energies of Saturn and Uranus bring to this particular New Moon and how we can utilize that in unlocking our dreams.

And I share why this is NOT the time to take action - this is such an important part of this conversation.

If you'd like to purchase the recording and workbook for my year-end healing circle (which you can use at any time of year, including the end of the astrological year), click here.

Do you have your copy of my free guide, 4 Steps to Connect with Your Higher Self? If not, get yours here!