The Illuminated Woman

Behind-The-Scenes Of The Illuminated Woman

Lori Latimer Episode 177

Welcome to the first full episode of The Illuminated Woman! I wanted to kick this off by doing something different, so I invited my brilliant mentor, Vika Bradford, to come on and interview me. You'll get a behind-the-scenes peek into why I shifted the podcast from Grief With Grace to The Illuminated Woman.

My desire is that The Illuminated  Woman will inspire you to shine your Light, no matter your age, health, relationship status, your past experiences or current  circumstances. 

We talked about my journey over the past few years and how I've been hiding but am ready to step into my Light and help other women illuminate their Light. You'll hear how and why I think women have dimmed their Light.

You'll also hear:

  • How I've been able to find peace inside of the chaos I've experienced the past few years and purified what’s no longer serving me in my life
  • What I’ve done to connect with who I am at Soul level
  • What I haven’t done that’s helped me grow, heal, and evolve
  • What I’ve seen in how women are living that needs to shift so we can live the lives our Souls came here to live (and most of us are not living)
  • What I believe a midlife crisis is - and yes, women have them too!
  • What I hope to help women find through my work and through The Illuminated Woman podcast
  • The emotion many women exhibit that’s misguided and misdirected
  • The things I want women to reconnect to within themselves
  • Why the name, The Illuminated Woman, was so difficult for me to embrace
  • Something I believe needs to be illuminated in every woman
  • The price we pay for trying to be, do, and have it all
  • What living like men has done to women
  • Where women tend to place their value that doesn’t serve us
  • How I’m learning to reconnect with pleasure, joy, play, and the wild woman within me
  • The role social media is playing with women’s worth
  • What happens when we try to make too many changes too quickly and put so many expectations on ourselves
  • How we can look at the karmic lessons our Souls want us to work through in this lifetime (so we don’t have to repeat them!)
  • Ways we can feel a sense of completion at the end of this life
  • Vika’s experience with the power of blending an astrological birth chart reading with a Soul Essence reading - and how our Soul Essence plays out in the birth chart of our current life

Please be sure to check out Vika's podcast., It's Karmic, available on all the podcast apps. Her website showcases all her offerings, and you can also find her on Instagram.

If you'd like to schedule your Soul Essence reading, click here.

Do you have your copy of my free guide, 4 Steps to Connect with Your Higher Self? If not, get yours here!