The Illuminated Woman
Pleasure is every woman’s birthright. This is an invitation to light that spark within you and reclaim the parts of yourself that have been lost and forgotten. To light that spark the world told you to dim. The spark that aches to burn brightly. As women, we’ve lost that spark and with it, our connection to pleasure. In the Illuminated Woman podcast, we’ll explore how we’ve dimmed our light, how we’ve lost our feminine essence and connection to pleasure, and how we can reignite that spark so we can reclaim our Soul’s essence and destiny and find the freedom, magic, joy and pleasure our Soul craves. When we do, we’ll help heal ourselves, our lineage, and the world.
The Illuminated Woman
Revolution, Healing, and Sovereignty: The Astrological Shift That Will Change Everything
In this transformative episode of The Illuminated Woman, we dive into the profound implications of Pluto's monumental move into Aquarius on November 19, 2024. After years in Capricorn, Pluto is shifting gears, promising societal upheavals, technological advancements, and revolutionary changes that will redefine power structures and personal sovereignty. This episode invites you to explore how Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will shape the next 20 years and how you can harness this energy to reclaim your power and embrace your destiny.
Some of what I touch on in this episode includes:
- Reflecting on Pluto in Capricorn (2008–2024), including the major societal shifts we experienced and the dismantling of outdated systems and structures
- What Pluto in Aquarius means on a collective level
- Why the next 20 years represent a spiritual and technological revolution akin to America’s founding era
- How Pluto’s move into Aquarius correlates with the rise of nervous system healing and new approaches to wellness
- The fascinating role of Uranus in shaping this revolutionary era
- How Pluto in Aquarius will affect you based on your astrological chart
- Guidance on uncovering personal shadows, healing generational wounds, and stepping into sovereignty
- The surfacing of past life and ancestral wounds for healing, including the witch wound, mother wound, and sister wound
- Using Pluto's energy to explore and embrace your deepest desires and purpose
And I shared how the results of the recent United States Presidential election was affected by Pluto's last days in Capricorn.
I created a special Black Friday offer of a personalized Pluto in Aquarius reading to map out your personal transformation during this transit. Click here to sign up before the price increases on December 2, 2024.
I'm also offering my 2025 Journey reading which will highlight the themes your birth chart has for you in 2025. You can schedule that through this link.
Do you have your copy of my free guide, 4 Steps to Connect with Your Higher Self? If not, get yours here!