The Illuminated Woman
Pleasure is every woman’s birthright. This is an invitation to light that spark within you and reclaim the parts of yourself that have been lost and forgotten. To light that spark the world told you to dim. The spark that aches to burn brightly. As women, we’ve lost that spark and with it, our connection to pleasure. In the Illuminated Woman podcast, we’ll explore how we’ve dimmed our light, how we’ve lost our feminine essence and connection to pleasure, and how we can reignite that spark so we can reclaim our Soul’s essence and destiny and find the freedom, magic, joy and pleasure our Soul craves. When we do, we’ll help heal ourselves, our lineage, and the world.
The Illuminated Woman
Ep 39 More Wisdom On Life, Love & Loss With Dara Kurtz Part 2
I know some of you, if you’re a bereaved Mom, may listen to parts of this episode and think “oh but that’s different because she, Dara, hasn’t lost a child and that’s different.” Yes, it is different, And… I’d invite you to listen to the wisdom we can all learn from loss and grief of different types. I also invite you, if you haven’t yet, to go listen to Episode 36 about honoring other people’s grief and pain.
- What she didn’t realize about her grief and pain even after doing all the “self-care” work
- What she chose to let go of and what she chose to focus on instead
- The power she forgot she had - and what happened when she remembered and stepped away from being a victim
- How finding her purpose helped her heal
- The importance of being intentional in our grief
- Why it’s so important to connect to your thoughts and to your heart
- The Mother-Daughter journal she and her daughters used - and how finding it helped her “find” the Ziploc bag of letters from her Mother
- The power of the written word, and the different types of letters we should all be writing
- The time to write a legacy letter - and the time not to write one
- How accepting things we can’t change can help us on our grief and healing journey
- The danger in fighting something we can’t change - and what we CAN change
- What it takes to acknowledge there are some things we can’t change
- How her life was affected by not realizing she was carrying so much grief and pain for so many years
- Why healing ourselves helps heal our ancestors and our descendants
- How we honor our loved ones in Spirit
- The importance of taking our departed loved ones with us as we move forward in our lives
- One (yummy!) way she’s brought her Mom with her and her daughters as they’ve moved forward in life
You can find Dara on Facebook, Instagram, and her website. Her books are available on Amazon. Please stop by her social media pages and let her know what touched you from our conversation.
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